Meet our authors
Our books are written with a collaborative approach with teams of authors. The authors are highly experienced teachers with many years experience in HSC marking and in advising students on exam preparation and technique.
The principal authors and editors are:
Catherine Odlum
Catherine has a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Sydney and has been teaching Secondary Science for over 40 years. She has been writing and compiling HSC questions and answers for the various HSC Science subjects since 1981.Robert Garner
Robert has a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of NSW and has been teaching Secondary Science for over 50 years. He has been writing and compiling HSC questions and answers for the various HSC Science subjects since 1975.Katrina Garner
Katrina studied medical microbiology and immunology at UNSW and has been teaching secondary Science in both public and independent schools since 2013. She has made a positive contribution to Biology teaching in NSW through her recent authoring and publishing of the Blitzing Biology books. Katrina has used her wealth of scientific and pedagogical knowledge, alongside her skills in authorship, to help in the design and writing of Odlum & Garner’s Strive books.